
Advent of Code 2020 - my answers

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Advent of Code 2020

my answers

Haskell Criterion benchmarks

Kotlin JMH benchmarks

Python pytest benchmarks

Rust Criterion benchmarks

Total running time (via Hyperfine)

Command Mean [s] Min [s] Max [s] Relative
Haskell 3.672 ± 0.040 3.616 3.747 1.39 ± 0.24
Kotlin 4.987 ± 0.186 4.695 5.336 1.88 ± 0.33
Python 47.136 ± 0.258 46.773 47.595 17.78 ± 3.05
Rust 2.650 ± 0.455 2.079 3.286 1.00